This is Our Sesion of service project about helping with the waste and litter that is currently hahe world we live on. Ecosystems are dying and our planet is dying as well if we want to keep our planet healthy we need to take action now, before it's to late! This is why we decided to start small by cleaning up the San Leandro creek.
Who We Are
My name is Anne O'Leary and I'm a senior at SLHS and SLAM. The environment is important to me because I love to travel and explore the world and I want to keep this Earth as green and sustainable as possible for future generations to come.
Hi I’m Lissette, a SLAM senior, and the environment means a lot to me. This is the only Earth we have and as long as l’m here I want to be livable at least. I’m a vegetarian not only because I love animals but the meat industry is truly awful for our current climate situation. I want my planet to be happy. that’s all.
Hi. My name is Kennedy. I joined this team because the plastics we are putting in the environment. My family try to be as environmentally friendly as possible and have for all my life and ive watched my dad yell at people for throwing trash out their window.Â
Attachments area
Hey, I'm Sid. Typically you'll find me working on some kind of art project or with animals. For this project, I wanted to use my abilities towards a message I stand by. The environment has always been important to me, especially conserving habitats. For this project, I'm hoping to spread the message that littering is doing more harm than we know.
Hello my name is Cynthia and I am a senior at San Leandro high school. I joined this group because of my love for animals and the habitats they live in. Seeing photos of animals dying from pollution and getting hurt from trash. So a group of students and I wanted to help make an impact on our community by cleaning up the San Leandro creek.